Belgian Wings
Belgian Air Force, past and present.
The Aeronautical Reference Site - De Luchtvaart Referentie Site - Le site référence de l'Aéronautique
JERO-Farman Type Militaire 1914 (also JERO HF.23bis)

Single engine, two seat observation aircraft
The JERO-Farman type Militaire 1914 or F.23 bis was a longer-range development of the H.F.20 for which the wingspan has been increased from 13.50m to 16 m (5 more wing spars outside the oblique strut) and a larger fuel tank was added (the tank sits on top of the fuselage sides instead of in between them). These modifications allowed flights of up to 4.30 hours giving it a range of some 400 km. The additional weight however restricted speeds to 95 km/h. The original power plant of the F.23 bis was the 80 hp Gnome Monosoupape rotary engine, later on some aircraft had their engine replaced by a 80hp Le Rhône engine. At least eight F.23 bis' were delivered in 1914 before the start of World War I and 2 more followed in August 1914. (D. Brackx & Ph. Doppagne).