Belgian Wings
Belgian Air Force, past and present.
The Aeronautical Reference Site - De Luchtvaart Referentie Site - Le site référence de l'Aéronautique
Gotha G.V

Gotha G.V 947/16 - KZ after being restored to flying condition at the Ateliers de Calais-Beaumarais being prepared for a test flight in late August 1918.
Twin engine 3 or 4 seat heavy bomber.
Gotha G.V 947/16 - KZ, a heavy bomber of BOSTA 16 (Bomber Staffel) of the German Luftstreitkräfte on a night raid to England, had to make a forced landing North of Calais (F.) in the night of 21/22 March 1918. Fortunately, the crew composed of pilot Lt. Michael von Korff, observer Lt. Eberhard von Zedlitz as well as gunner Willi Speyer escaped unharmed but were taken prisoner. The "KZ" fuselage code refers to the names of the two officers in the cockpit).
As the machine was only slightly damaged it was restored to flying condition at the Belgian Air Service's Ateliers de Calais-Beaumarais (F.). On 27 August 1918 pilot Georges and engineer Demonty made a first test flight from Calais Beaumarais. The machine made several test flights but unfortunately the ultimate fate of Gotha G.V 947/16 - KZ is not known - most probably scrapped at Calais. (D. Brackx)
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