Belgian Wings
Belgian Air Force, past and present.
The Aeronautical Reference Site - De Luchtvaart Referentie Site - Le site référence de l'Aéronautique

Single engine two-seat trainer aircraft
The S.A.M.L. (Società Aeronautica Meccanica Lombarda) company was the main Italian constructor of the German Aviatik B.1 and B.2 designs up to 1916. In 1916-1917 the company developed this model into a native design called the S.1, which was powered by a 260 hp Fiat A-12 engine and equipped with a rotatable 6.5mm Revelli machine-gun on a tripod mounting in the rear cockpit. A further development of the S.1 including a modified and enlarged rudder, a second machine-gun and a more powerful engine resulted in the S.2 model which saw front-line service with 16 reconnaissance squadrons in Italy, Albania and Macedonia. Total production for the S.1 and S.2 combined amounted to 657 aircraft. Some S.2’s were equipped as bomber some others with cameras, while a number were given double controls and were used as trainers. Between 1921 and 1922 the Aviation Militaire Belge has used a number (10 +) of S.A.M.L (either B.2's or S.2's) trainers at its flying training School situated at Asch. (Now As). First simply identified as serials "1" to "8", they were renamed A-1 to A-8 in late 1921. After a series of accidents these Italian aircraft were considered dangerous and were withdrawn from use through an order dated 13 February 1922. (Daniel Brackx)