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Britten Norman (Pilatus) BN2T Turbine Islander


Twin-engine eight-seat communications aircraft

    On January 1st, 1992 the Rijkswacht/Gendarmerie was demilitarised and now reported to the Ministry of the Interior. At the same time the Air Support Detachment was created tasked with the management of all Rijkswacht/Gendarmerie air assets. One of the major goals of this new unit was to modernise the fleet (consisting of Alouette II and some Puma helicopters) which led to the acquisition amongst others of a (second-hand) Turbine Islander which was to be used for observation and coordination during large scale police actions.

Britten Nroman Turbine Islander





Date In

Nov 1993

Date Out

Oct 2000

G-DEMO, G-BKEA, G-05, LX-REM (CAE Aviation - Aero Service, Luxembourg), Senegal AF for fishery patrols as 6V-AHW, hit by Sengalese AF Fokker F27 that jumped the chocks (+- 2016), placed as gate guardian at Waquam airbase - Dakar (Senegal)

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